Web Apps – No Local Installation Required

With Apple’s move to discontinue support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) on iPhones in the European Union, and the push towards enabling third-party app stores, the relevance and appeal of individually developed web apps have never been more pronounced.

Update (2024-03-01): Apple will continue to support PWAs on home screens in the EU

A vibrant array of floating social media and application icons on a dark, reflective digital surface with a depth of field effect, creating a sense of a vast network of interconnected platforms.

Universal Accessibility

One of the most compelling benefits of web apps is their universal accessibility. Unlike traditional mobile apps that require downloading and installation on each device, web apps can be accessed instantly via any web browser. This means that users can enjoy a seamless experience across different devices, without worrying about compatibility issues or storage space constraints. For businesses, this translates to broader reach and engagement with their audience.

Simplified Updates and Maintenance

Web apps eliminate the need for users to manually update their apps. Developers can deploy updates directly to the server, ensuring that all users have access to the latest version without lifting a finger. This not only enhances the user experience but also significantly reduces the maintenance workload for developers, allowing them to focus on improving functionality and adding new features.

Enhanced Security

With the growing concern over the security implications of allowing third-party app stores, web apps offer a safer alternative. Since they don’t require local installation, the risk of inadvertently downloading malicious software is greatly reduced. Moreover, web apps operate within the confines of a browser, benefiting from its inherent security measures, such as sandboxing. Developers can also implement additional security protocols easily, further protecting user data.


Developing and maintaining a web app is generally more cost-effective than its native counterparts. This is because web apps use a single codebase that works across multiple platforms, reducing development time and resources. Additionally, the distribution of web apps does not depend on app stores, which often take a significant cut of the revenue. This cost efficiency makes web apps an attractive option for startups and small businesses.

Decentralized possibilities

Another distinct advantage of web apps is their decentralized nature. Unlike traditional mobile apps, which are typically hosted on big cloud provides, web apps can be installed and hosted directly on the client’s servers. This feature offers an unparalleled level of control and autonomy to businesses, allowing them to manage their applications without relying on major platforms or app stores.


Their ability to offer universal accessibility, simplified updates, enhanced security, and cost-effectiveness makes them an increasingly attractive option for both developers and users. Web apps are built on web technologies that are continuously updated to support new features and capabilities. As the landscape of app distribution undergoes significant changes, they stand out as a smart, strategic choice for staying connected in our digital world.